When using GoTreads for leveling, GoTreads can be folded onto themselves to attain the desired height. Unfold the starter panel, and drive up onto the GoTreads.
Use caution when leveling with GoTreads to prevent wheel spin while positioning the vehicle. Wheel spin can cause damage to the hinges and panels when GoTreads are stacked.
When using GoTreads for leveling, make sure all panels are laying flat on one another when folded. Any overhanging hinged component should be on the ground side not the tire side. Do not drive on panels that are suspended by the hinge. If a panel is hanging by a hinge, flip the entire GoTread over so the hinge is on the ground side.
Leveling Examples #

Using the Stack Pack #
For best results, use our leveling accessory kit, the Stack Pack, to prevent your GoTreads from shifting or breaking while leveling. Breakage from leveling without a Stack Pack, or similar rubber mats is not covered by our warranty.

Demonstration video #
Leveling Tips #
Use caution when leveling with GoTreads to prevent wheel spin while positioning the vehicle. Wheel spin can cause damage to the hinges and panels when GoTreads are stacked. Damage caused from wheel spin while leveling is not covered by our warranty.
However, GoTreads are modular and individual parts are available for purchase to replace any damaged or worn components.

When using GoTreads for leveling, make sure all panels are laying flat on one another when folded. Any overhanging hinged component should be on the ground side not the tire side.
Do not drive on panels that are suspended by the hinge. If a panel is hanging by a hinge, flip the entire GoTread over so the hinge is on the ground side.

Do not turn your steering wheel when driving up onto, while on top, or driving off GoTreads. Turning your wheels on a stack of GoTreads can cause GoTreads to twist under the weight of your vehicle and lead to hinge and panel damage. It is important to drive straight up on and straight off GoTreads to prevent damage.