On our website, you have the option to buy GoTreads bags individually or in combination with your GoTreads purchase (often at a discounted price).
We offer both our own USA made GoTreads bags as well as bags from partner vendors. Optional GoTreads bags are available through third party retailers.
GoTreads Bags #
Custom made GoTreads bags. Available in several sizes. Hand crafted in the USA by our friends at The Last US Bag Company (Cube Cases) and Adventure Tool Company (GoTreads Nomad Bag)
STōD Gear Company #
STōD Gear Company is a family-owned business that makes innovative and durable products for overlanding and camping enthusiasts. They are passionate about quality, craftsmanship, and environmental stewardship, and they design and produce their products in the USA. We offer their TreadPack on our site for convenience. For other great products, be sure to visit the STōD Gear Company website.
Blue Ridge Overland Gear #
Blue Ridge Overland Gear (BROG) is a Virginia-based company that started in a backyard shed and grew into a maker of high-quality bags, pouches, and organizers for outdoor and offroad adventures. They are passionate about making rugged, American Made products that will help you stay organized, adapt to your needs, and last a lifetime.
BROG does limited runs of a bag designed for our shortest edition, GoTreads Regular. This is good option if you need a regular stored end to end on their edge.